
Current Obsession With Pac-Man 256

So, not a whole lot has been going on in my world this week. I've mostly been trying to adjust to my new schedule and try to get my sleeping normalized. Still trying to get in here and write every few days, though. However, since my husband introduced me to the newest Pac-Man game, we've had a battle going on to beat each other's score. He recently held the crown, but I took it down tonight.

Other than that, probably not much to say concerning my personal life. I've been thinking of doing some other topics. For instance, I'm going to see Bon Jovi play with my sister and mother tomorrow night so I was thinking of doing a list of my favorite songs from them.

If you haven't already gathered, I have a fondness for lists. I think it's part of my compulsion to write things down. I was making lists long before Buzzfeed came along. Don't ask me why. For some reason, I just felt it needed to be listed that certain actors were higher ranked than others in my mind.

Anyway, back to Pac-Man 256. This game is neat. It is a one player or multi-player Pac-Man that could in theory go on forever if you could keep from dying. The main goal is to eat 256 pellets consecutively, and you can wipe out the board of ghosts for a few minutes. Although, I've found it is really hard to do that if you want to get a really high score because you need to eat fruit (score multipliers) then hopefully one of the power ups floating around and go ham on some ghosts.

If you get a chance, check it out. I love Pac-Man, and always try to play the new game editions whenever they come out. I'm not sure how long this one was planned, but I do know it was released around the time Masaya Nakamura─the creator of Pac-Man─died. I purchased it in the latest Humble Bundle.

I'm not really a gamer, but I do get sucked in by some games every once in a while. The last one was definitely Hearthstone and before that Skyrim, which I do plan to get back to one day. If you have a love of all games, I would definitely recommend checking out Sw33tp34's site and Twitch channel because he plays a little bit of everything, including Oculus VR games.

Posted in Gaming 15 Feb 2017